Awful Neutral: A Dungeons and Dragons Debacle
A cloaked & grizzled figure stares intensely at you. ”So it’s adventure you crave?” he asks, half-whispering as if about to reveal to you a secret. ”Well you’ve come to the right place!” he exclaims as he leaps to his feet. ”Feast your ears on the wonders of the Awful Neutral podcast! There’s fighting cats, sassy punk gnomes, magic, mayhem, and more fun than a vorpal sword can cut through! Give it a listen, there’s a new episode every week!
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Awful Neutral 000.5- Meet the Gang! (Character Introductions)
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Meet the cast as they describe their characters before your delve into episode 1! Thanks for joining us on our adventure! See you every Tuesday fellow nerds!
Thank you to Keaton O'Malley and Joe Camacho for help with music and Story!
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley
Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;
Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited)
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Awful Neutral Trailer- First taste is free homie
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
This is just a trailer! Enjoy the taste! Episode 001 will air on Tuesday with weekly releases every Tuesday afterwards. Thanks for listening!
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Awful Neutral 001- Silly Mortals and Their Finger Guns
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Welcome to the first episode of Awful Neutral! Where adventurers meet, a donkey is murdered, a bastard is made, and kenku pirates are fought. Enjoy!
Special Thank You to Joe Camacho, Keaton O'Malley, & Robert Timothy
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Awful Neutral 002 - Gonna Steal an Airship!
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Awful Neutral Episode 2; where the gang meets Mayor Privilegington, chases a Panda (?), plans a heist, and learns of Adventure-Mart.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Awful Neutral 003- Q'Vahn & The Tomb of Cats
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
After saving the town from pirates, our band of misfits head to Adventures-Mart to spend! Will they be allowed to ever return!? Doubtful.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Awful Neutral 004- The Amazing Chud Bingsly
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
In this weeks adventure;
-Decorative Cabbage is turned into a book
-The gang fools some douche guards, an airship finely gets stolen
-Jessie Egan joins the cast as Chud Bingsly, provider of milk and master or disguise!
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Awful Neutral 005- Gertrude's Magic Hand
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
This week on Awful Neutral;
The gang meets Gremyrl Stonebreaker, the first mate of their new air ship
We find out what Decorative Cabbage was up to inside the Punkrinomicon
Lethario and Gertrude make the room hot and uncomfortable
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Awful Neutral 006- Get Your Cow In Check
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
This week on Awful Neutral,
Gertrude gets some
Decorative Cabbage gets a cow dropped on him
The fate of Flame Festival will be decided
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday May 16, 2019
Awful Neutral 007- The Fantastic Mr Dandy
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
In this week's adventure;
The gang meets a fantastic and mysterious owner of a candy factory
They watch a panda beat a man to death
They teach the kenku the meaning of the word "slave"
Guest Staring Joe Camacho!
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Awful Neutral 008- Bring Me Back My Cat!
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 8, where;
Q'Vahn kills some birds.
Gertrude reunites with family.
Tifi reveals a secret.
Guest Starring show co/planner Joe Camacho as The Panda & Mr Dandy!
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Awful Neutral 009- Don't Eat the Tapioca!!
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 9, where;
Q'Vahn get tortured by some bros
Lethario learns to love
Tapioca is ruined forever
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Awful Neutral 010- Lets Play a Drinking Game!
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 10. Where;
Gertrude gets a make over.
A party is thrown.
Lethario gets a new kink.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley
Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;
Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited)
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Awful Neutral 011- There is no pain in this dojo?
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 11. Where;
Chud gives a much needed apology.
Q'Vahn teaches a lesson.
Gertrude ruins her jelly hand.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Awful Neutral 012- Are You There Tifi? Its me Cabbage
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 12. Where;
Tifi's secret gets out.
Q'Vahn makes a powerful enemy.
Gertrude's Dudes consider an offer.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Awful Neutral 013- I'll Jelly Slap a Bitch!
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 13. Where;
Secrets of the past are revealed.
The U.S.S. Gertrude's Dudes gets a paint job.
Decorative Cabbage gets bit.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Awful Neutral 014- The Legend of Captain Ron Daiquiri
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 14. Where;
2 new friends are made.
Q'Vahn learns to tie a knot.
Gremryl Stonebreaker scores a date.
W/ incredible guests Caleb Cleveland and Mueller She Wrote's A.G!!!
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Awful Neutral 015- The Last Day in Parrot's Port
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 15. Where;
A belt is found.
Gonk and Mallison name their ship.
A wererat is interogated.
W/ incredible guests Caleb Cleveland and Mueller She Wrote's A.G!!!
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Awful Neutral 016- Chaos in the Ring
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 16. Where:
Gertrude solves a mystery.
Q'Vahn gets boo'ed.
An unconscious Tifi meets the mechanic.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Awful Neutral 017- Miss Caitlyn's Shop of Magical Curiosities
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 17. Where:
Chud gets perspectacles.
Lethario gets bullied by a canary.
Tifi Returns.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Awful Neutral 018- Gonk's Fathers Day Present
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 18. Where:
Gonk makes a threat.
Greyson gives gifts.
The Gang meets Gallagher.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Awful Neutral 019- Chud Summons a Nightmare
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 19. Where:
Gertrude drops her digits.
Chud haunts your nightmares.
Lethario meets the thieves guild.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Awful Neutral 020- Suicide Backwards
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 20. Where:
Lethario gets a job offer.
Q'Vahn gets cookies.
A chapter house is infested with crickets.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Awful Neutral 021- Tifi's Hard Lesson
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 21. Where:
Goat Demons Die.
Tifi mouths off.
Gonk makes a major discovery.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Awful Neutral 022- Troubling Bhaal Removal
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 22. Where:
Gonk looks for tortles.
Q'Vahn dominates some drinking games.
Gertrude gets a late night call.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Awful Neutral 023- Tifi Gets a Makeover
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 23. Where:
Tifi learns to love.
Q'Vahn gets some axes.
Gertrude gets a hat.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Awful Neutral 024- De La Pulga Family Values
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 24. Where:
Gertrude gets lost.
Q'Vahn learns a hard lesson.
Chud loses his rocky-talkie.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Awful Neutral 025- Needless Sewer Swimming
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 25. Where:
Gonk gets hung up on.
Gertrude remains lost.
Warforges are fought.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Awful Neutral 026- Gertrude's Dire Situation
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 26. Where:
Gonk and Mallison get the 3rd degree.
An unfortunate amount of Bhaal Jokes are made.
Gertrude is in trouble.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Awful Neutral 027- The Return of Gertrude
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 27. Where:
Gertrude gets rescued.
Gonk gets a new book.
The gang goes to Des Moines.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Awful Neutral 028- Des Moines nightlife
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 28. Where:
Gertrude takes a fateful call.
Chud cuts a rug.
Tifi makes an important discovery.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Awful Neutral 029- The Halloween Special- Part 1
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
A very special Awful Neutral Chapter 29, the first part of the Halloween Special (w/guest Dungeon Master Joe Camacho). Where:
The Call of Cathulhu rules are used to kill NPCs and perhaps a party member or two...
Gertrude shows how much she loves children.
Chud and Gonk risk life and limb.
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Awful Neutral 030- The Halloween Special- Part 2
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
The exciting conclusion of our Halloween Special (w/guest Dungeon Master Joe Camacho). Where:
Tifi hurts children.
Crickets cripple the party.
An old friend returns.
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Awful Neutral 031- Freddy got Flayed
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 31. Where:
Gremryle Stonebreaker murders everything.
Gonk goes nuts.
The dudes get their first mission.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Awful Neutral 032- Highway Heist (The Citadel Saga)
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 32. Where:
Gertrude meets an ex-husband.
Q'Vahn presses buttons.
Chud uses the sleep spell heroically.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Awful Neutral 033- The Art of Cutting a Rug (The Citadel Saga)
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 33. Where:
Bikers save the day.
Somebody gets served.
The gang cheats like crazy.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Awful Neutral 034- Motorcycle Madness (The Citadel Saga)
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Awful Neutral Chapter 34. Where:
Gertrude Discovers Jax's secret.
Lord Bertrand finds love again.
A motorcycle race is had.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-8 Bit Universe: ‘Pony’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Kids on Bikes One Awful
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Hey Nerds! We have a special Holiday Treat for you!
This week Caleb Cleveland takes on the mantle of GAME MASTER(!!!) as we play use the incredibly fun 'Kids on Bikes' system. Enjoy and thanks for listening!
Music by-
TeknoAXE: ‘Ascent to the Station’, ‘Hover Board’, ’Invading the 80s’, ‘Synthwave C’, ‘Synthwave D’, ‘Synthwave E’Botnit: UnleashedDaniel Deluxe: PurificationGabriel Lewis: Cold War GamesLegna Zeg: EscapeMK Ultra: Tears in The RainNew Arcades: Find a WayRobert Parker: '85 Again (feat. Miss K)’, ‘Sweet Nothings (Futurecop! Remix)’Lucidator: Sagittarius VStarlight: MemoriesStoned Presidents: AlphaWaveshaper: Future Vision (Futurecop! Remix)
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Awful Neutral 035- Arriving (The Citadel Saga)
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Awful Neutral Chapter 35. Where:
Disguises are given.
Gonk is afraid of heights.
Talk of war is heard.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tom Jones: It's Not Unusual (1965 Decca Music Group Limited
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Awful Neutral 36- The Calm Before the Storm (The Citadel Saga)
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Awful Neutral Chapter 36. Where:
Gertrude is immune to booze.
Tifi falls on his face.
Some bonding occurs.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- ‘Gym Workout’, ‘Land of Fantasy’, ‘The Final Two’, ‘Dark Hero’, ‘His Fight Is Over’, ‘Vengeance’ , ‘Destruction’, ‘Tiny Kingdom’, ‘The Dark Castle’, ‘Orc Chase’, ‘Pirate Dance’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Poisonous’, ‘Boss Battle Rock’, ‘The Epic Boss Fight’, ‘In The Clouds’, ‘Cold Isolation’, ‘Warm Light’, ‘Goodbye, My Friend’, ‘A Hero’s Defeat’, ‘A Search for the Hidden’, ‘Video Game Adventure’, ‘Crazy Drummer’, ‘Paranoia’, ‘The Chase of My Life’, ‘Action Crave’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 1’, ‘Sad Winds Chapter 2’, ‘The Quiet Morning’, ‘Super Hero Showdown’, ‘Assault Team 1’, ‘Journey To The Promise’, ‘Tears of Joy’, ‘Epic Intro Music’, ‘Please Dont Cry’, ‘I Am Iron’, ‘No More Good’, ‘Trouble Is Brewing’, ‘New Heights’, ‘Villainous’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Take Down’, ‘Preparation 2’, ‘Fight Dance’, ‘Desperation’, ‘Father Forgive Them’, ‘Hybrid Enemy’, ‘Battle of the Awake’, ‘Fight Me If You Can’, ‘Secret Soldiers’, ‘A New Day Is Coming’, ‘Can it be’, ‘Space Conspiracy’, ‘Ready to Fight’, (Royalty free music from
- DJ Bootsie: Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version (
-Eric Matyas: ‘Fantascape Looping’, ‘Backstory Looping’ (
-Wombat Noises: ‘Waltz of The Skeleton Keys’, ‘Night in a Frozen Forest’ (
- Thomas Bergersen: ‘Two Steps From Hell’ (
-Jayson Seaver: ‘Friend in Low Places’ (
-Julia Okrusko: ‘Tavern Dance’
- Peri Tune: ‘Market’ (
-Tabletop Audio: ‘Sea of Moving Ice’, ‘Country Village’, ‘Royal Court’, ‘Tavern Music’, ‘Alchemists Lab’, ‘Docks District’, ‘Sewers’, ‘Wizards Tower’, ‘Spire Amaranth’, ‘Spire New Heaven’, ‘Astral Plane’, ‘Spire the Ministry’, ‘Carriage Journey’, ‘Barovian Castle’, ‘Field of Heroes’, ‘Floating Ice Castle’, ‘Castle Jail’, ‘Dark Matter’, ‘Graveyard’, ‘Steampunk Airship’, ‘Elven glade’, ‘River Town’, ‘Dwarven City’, ‘Medieval Fair’, ‘Winter Festival’, “Halfling Festival’, ‘Fishing Village’, ‘Middle Earth Dawn’, ‘Age of Steam’, ‘The Bog Standard’, ‘Waterkeep’ (
- Alexander Nakarada: ‘Until the End’, ‘Leaving for Valhalla’, ‘Wanderer’ (
-Serge Narcissoff: ‘Atlantis of the Sands’, ‘Sea of Theives’ (
-Neutrin05: ‘Wonder’ (
-Savfk: ‘Precious life’ (
- Paul Shapera: ‘Steampunk Opera Overture’ (For ongoing updates of the opera visit
- Brandon Fiechter: ‘Sky Pirates’, ‘The Shadow Empire’ iTunes :
- The Fiechters: ‘Council of the Steampunk Nobles’, ‘Illusions and Smoke’, ‘Masquerade of the Ghosts’
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Kids on Bikes One Awful, ep. 2
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Kids on Bikes, Chapter 2, where;
The stranger gets a name
Mike gets some Oreo ice cream sandwiches
A foreign exchange student arrives in Oboyono
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
The Dirty 20 - Bonus Episode
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Hello nerds! Welcome to the pilot episode of The Dirty 20, our soon to be launched patreon behoind the scenes content. Thanks for your support, Enjoy!
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Awful Neutral 037- Beware of Blue Eyes (The Citadel Saga)
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Awful Neutral Chapter 37. Where:
Bertrand gives his speech.
Gremyrle Stonebreaker and Lethario's mom return.
Gertrude sheds a tear.
Special thanks to Joe Camacho and Keaton O’Malley. Special thanks to all the incredible artists whose incredible work makes the show;Check out their incredible works!
-David Fesliyan- (Royalty free music from
-Tabletop Audio:(
- Alexander Nakarada: (
-Serge Narcissoff: (
- The Fiechters:(
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
One Awful: Chewing the Cud with Chud
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Did you know that Chud Bingsly used to host a public access talk show back in wizard college?
Apparently his recent adventures have inspired him to come out of retirement. Ladies and Gentlemen. Humanoids and fey creatures. It is an honor to present to you, Chud Bingsly's Chewing the Cud w/ Chud...
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Awful Neutral 038- Never Split the Party
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Awful Neutral Chapter 38. Where:
Gertrude reveals her full name.
Mallison teaches a robot to love.
Q'Vahn makes a big decision.
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Awful Neutral 039- Chud Cheeks a Gavel
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Awful Neutral Chapter 39. Where:
Torture occurs.
Moon walking is done.
Justice is had.
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chapter 3: Cul de sac Shuffle
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chapter 3, where;
Aristotle gets a clue.
Mike kills another man.
Harrison becomes the law.
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
St Patrick's Day One Awful
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
After adventures in both the Hood and Space, the Leprechaun King is stepping down from his throne. Which of our brave 'Leprechauns' has what it takes to wear the crown? Find out in the very Irish One Awful!
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Awful Neutral 040- Fool Me Once Dick Tree... (The Fey Saga)
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Awful Neutral Chapter 40. Where:
Gertrude meets her sister Loretta (Played by special guest MSW's Jordan Coburn!).
The big bad is revealed.
A party at TGI Applebees.
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chapter 4: Knowing is 1/3 of the War
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chapter 4, where;
-Electrolyte gets homesick.
-The gang meets a mysterious stranger.
-Chaz lies to his father.
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
One Awful- Honey Heist
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Welcome to a very special (& canonical) one awful!
Apparently a couple of bears think they have the chops to pull off a legendary honey heist in the factory of Mr. Dandy! Featuring guest bear Dave Wright!
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Awful Neutral 041- When Gonky met Mally
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
In this origin story we discover how Gonk and Mallison first met. Mallison kills somebody, Gonks meets his hero, and a good time is had by all.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Awful Neutral 042- A Tale of a Boy and his Cat
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
How did Q'Vahn and Lethario meet? Find out in this comical origin story.
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Awful Neutral 043- Stand By Chud
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
In Chud's origin story, we ask the hard questions. We find out how he got his utters!? We see why he left his home town?! We find out if he had a dumb brother!? Guest Staring Bijan Mostafavi.
Friday May 08, 2020
Honey Heist 2: Bear-ly Redeemable
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
The Unbearables are back! Fresh off a demoralizing defeat, the bears find a new member and an opportunity for redemption. Stick around after the episode for a special treat from Gertrude!
Monday May 11, 2020
Awful Reboot Chapter 1 - Welcome!
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Welcome to the first episode of a new adventure! Talented DM, Clint Beishir leads a party through a brand new adventure that will run concurrent to the main campaign! It's something special, enjoy!
Sunday May 17, 2020
Awful Reboot Chapter 2- Death ain't so bad
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
The Awful Reboot saga continues as the party cheats death and gets a powerful ally.
Thursday May 28, 2020
Honey Heist 3 - Risky Beesiness
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
In their 3rd adventure, the UnBearables aim to settle an old score and return the queen bee.
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Awful Neutral 044- Folksom Prison Blues
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
In this exciting adventure Mallison finds a loved one. Gonk saves a hero. Chud reaches some kids.
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Awful Reboot 3: Power Leveling
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Awful Reboot Chapter 3. Where Pyth fails to eat a hamster, Roark gets a creepy item, and the party kills tons of snakes.
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Awful Neutral 045 - Party at TGI Applebees (Ft. Jordan Coburn)
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Episode 45, where the Fey Wild is saved, the party gets sweet loot, Gertrude and Loretta make up.
Featuring the Amazing Jordan Coburn from Mueller She Wrote, The Daily Beans, and I Disagree! With Jordan Coburn and Steve Schustek!
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Awful Reboot 4: 1,000 Little Corgis
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Awful Reboot Chapter 4. Where Kara does drugs for good, Bada plays some sweet sax, and Persepolis begs for help.
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Awful Reboot 5: A Sausage Party no More!
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Saralee joins Roark's Dorks with a character that's cricket proof! Oh the puns you'll hear...
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Awful Neutral 046 - Fullmetal Artificarian
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
We explore Tifi's heart filled back story. A very fun episode. Stick around after the adventure for a song by our very own SaraLee!
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chapter 5- Never Trust a Clown's Mouth
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
KoB Chapter 5. The Conspiracy Theory Club finely enters the factory and experiences the wonders and horrors inside...
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Awful Reboot 6- Passive Aggressive Old Men
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Aurora meets the rest of the party!
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Awful Neutral 047 - The Tabaxi King
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Q'Vahn meets a new friend. Gertrude's sees and old flame. Lethario pees himself again.
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Awful Neutral Update
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Just a word to our fans. Thanks for listening! Enjoy the update!
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Hell Frasier: Chapter 1
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Caleb, Joe, Jesse and some guests play Boss Dragons and Scrambled Eggs, the Frasier themed TTRPG by Mike Rosenthal! You don't have to be a fan of the show to enjoy this episode, enjoy!
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Awful Reboot 7: Don't Open the Door Stupid
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
In the next exciting Awful Reboot, an old man is awoken, a door is played with, and a bunch of other funny stuff. Enjoy Nerds!
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Awful Neutral 048 - Divorce is Hell
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
We welcome Bijan Mustafavi to the show, Gertrude and Cletus-Wiener get a divorce, and the party learns how to escape the fey wild.
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Awful Neutral 049 - Q'Vahn Finds Religion
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
We go back in time and tell the tale of how Q'Vahn became a Paladin. Enjoy!
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Awful Neutral 050- Old Fashioned Prison Break
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Gonk, Mallison, Chud, and Mr Dandy finely get the chance to escape Folksom Prison! Things can only go right for the gang... right?
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Awful Neutral 051 - A Tortle Back in Time
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In this surprisingly heart warming episode, we look back at the origins of everybody's favorite tortle pirate, Gonk Hullskin! Enjoy!
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
October Update
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
We update our Awful fans on the spooky goodness we have coming to them in October.
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Awful Neutral 052- Redneck Justice
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Gertrude and Cletus Wiener Oscar-Meyer finely get their divorce.
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Awful Neutral 053- 10 Candles Halloween Special Part 1
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Joe Camacho is back to GM our Halloween special! Enjoy as Chud, Mallison, Gonk, and Gremryl Stonebreaker fight for their lives using the 10 Candles game system in the first part of their adventure...
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Awful Neutral 054 - Call of Cthulhu Halloween Special Part 1
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Joe Camacho is back to GM another Halloween special! Enjoy as Q'Vahn, Gertrude, Lethario, Tifi and some guests fight for their lives using the Call of Cthulhu game system in the first part of their adventure...
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Awful Neutral 055- 10 Candles Halloween Special Part 2
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Joe Camacho is back to finish what he started... the murder of Gertrude's dudes. How will our players handle Daddy and his deadly cult? The hunt it on...
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Awful Neutral 056- Call of Cthulhu Halloween Special Part 2
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Joe Camacho is back to finish what he started... the murder of Gertrude's dudes.
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chapter 6: Harrison and Mike's Big Adventure
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
We come back to Ohboyohno Texas as we find out what happened to Harrison and Mike after they saved the rest of the Conspiracy Theory club. Part action movie, part buddy comedy, this episode has some big surprises.
With Dave Wright, Joe Camacho, and Caleb Cleveland.
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Awful Neutral 057- Tifi's New Boss
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Still reeling from the events from our Halloween special, Tifi and Q'Vahn set out to rescue Gertrude and Lethario.
Monday Dec 07, 2020
The Dirty 20 Bonus Episode: Part Deux
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
We answer fan Questions in this fun bonus episode!
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Awful Neutral 058 - Saving Gertrude... Again
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Gertrude is rescued from hell by her parents and Q'Vahn in one our favorite episodes to date. This episode manages to be funny, dark, disturbing, and wholesome all at the same time.
This episode has a moment that deals with domestic violence.
Special thanks to The Fiechters for letting use their incredible fantasy music. Check them out at
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Kids on Bikes Chaper 7: F&$# Parents!
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Things are really heating up for our gang of young adventurers!
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Hell Frasier Chapter 2
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Frasier, Roz, and the rest of the gang fight for syndication. Everything goes wrong.
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Awful Neutral 059- The Rise of Richard Noggin
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Before Mallison, Gonk, and Chud can save Sastagaria, somebody has to save them from death.
Dave Wright joins Richard Noggin (played by Joe Camacho) and his quest to rescue Gertrude's dudes.
Special thanks to Brandon and Derick Fiechter and JAYDEGARROW for their incredible music.
Fantasy & World Music by the Fiechters:
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Awful Neutral 060: The Dwarven City of Adbar
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Gonk, and Gremyrle have been rescued, but Mallison and Chud remain at large! Maybe some answers can be found in Adbar...
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Chud's Chuckwagon Challenge Chapter 1
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
This week we play Jesse's brand new cooking challenge themed TTRPG! Thank you to The Fiechters and Ross Bugden for their incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
Ross Bugden:
The Fiechters:
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Awful Neutral 061: Nice New Balances, Bro
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
The gang rescues Lethario from hell then get a mysterious visitor...
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Hell Frasier Chapter 3
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
In our Hell Frasier Valentines Days special, Frasier and the gang all find themselves at the same fancy elven restaurant on the most romantic day of the year. What could go wrong? Certainly not an evil kitchen, sex bets, and poop soup!
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Awful Neutral 062: On Stage Drama
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Mallison and Chud have heart to hearts with their gods while Gonk gets to know the dwarven city of Adbar. Also, Dave Wright's Rhogar prepares for a ghoul busting play with his acting nemisis!
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Kids on Bikes Chapter 8: Kids in Toyland
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
This is it. The penultimate episode in the adventures of the Ohboyohno Conspiracy Theory Club. Questions will be answered, characters arcs will be completed, and a kid will die. Join us!
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Awful Neutral: Cult Pod Crossover
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
The gang welcomes, from the popular Cult Podcast, Paige Wesley and Armando Torres in a very funny DnD one shot DMed by the amazing Clint Beishir.
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Chud's Chuckwagon Challenge 2: Too Many Fart Jokes
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Buster Garlic Aioli and Horney Huffy gear up their battle wagon for revenge!
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Awful Neutral: Cult Podcast Crossover- Part Deux
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
The gang welcomes back Paige Wesley and Armando Torres from the very popular Cult Podcast! The gang from Cult Podcast help our hero's journey deeper into their own personal pun hell in this hilarious second and final chapter.
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Sunday May 02, 2021
Awful Neutral 063: Lethario VS Parenting
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Can Lethario summon the courage to be a mediocre parent? The world may depend on it.
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Thank you as well to 8-Bit Universe for allowing us to us "Pony". Check out more of their great stuff at
Monday May 17, 2021
Awful Neutral 064: The Best Damn Strip Club Ever
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Lethatrio continues to investigate which of his children could end the world.
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Song: Wizard - Strippers Music provided by AllyourCoolMusic Creative Commons Attribution License Video Link:
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Hell Frasier Chapter 4: White Washing on the High Seas
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
With Frasier absent, the rest of the gang go to a hopefully demon free yacht party. What could go wrong?
Thank you to Keaton O'Malley for the last second rendition of "Who Let the Dogs Out"
And thank you to Downtime Manager for sponsoring this episode! Check out their app here: Android, iOS
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Awful Neutral 065: The Ghoul Busters
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Rhogar and Gonk act their asses off and entertain the troops of Adbar.
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters:
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sara Lee's Summer Slasher Part 1
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
What happens when Sara Lee is given the chance for revenge on the rest of the cast for years of mocking? Find out this week as Sara Lee DM's a shocking home brew campaign using the Call of Cthulhu system.
Thank you to The Fiechters for the incredible tracks! Subscribe to their YouTube channels for more!
The Fiechters: